The formation of pathological anatomy as an applied (clinical) medical science is associated with the development of anatomy since the description of the structure of organs with single sections of the body of criminals was the first source of pathological anatomical observations. However, throughout the Middle Ages, the number of autopsies of the dead from diseases was rather limited, which hampered the transfer of medical knowledge from scholastic to practical. So the English doctor and naturalist William Garvey (Eng. William Garway (1578-1657) noted that the study of one human body who died from the disease, more important for the development of medicine than the autopsy of ten corpses of hanged people. And Paracelsus, the real name Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim (1493-1541), denying the scholastic approach to the interpretation of diseases, stated: "The first teacher in medicine is the body and matter of nature. They teach and show you can learn from them, but you cannot learn from yourself because your own fantasy es only a distortion of truth. Practical medicine should not arise from speculative theories, but theory should come out of practice. The books have not yet been made a doctor by anyone, the practice creates it and only it. After all, reading alone is a shop and a halo of practice. be the eyes of experience. "

Based on this, at the present stage of development of medical pedagogy at the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, it is important to study the macroscopic and microscopic manifestations of the disease on the basis of which the student’s clinical thinking is formed. That is why the main slogan of the department is the statement of the Ukrainian philosopher G. Skovoroda "Know the invisible with the visible." But to achieve a high level of their professional training is impossible without the integration of teaching discipline with the study of museum drugs, as a solid source of knowledge base of the invisible and scientific and methodological component of the educational process of the pedagogical university.

The Museum of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and the Department of Forensic Medicine began to form from the first day of the foundation of our university, at that time the institute. And the direct founders were associate professor B. Dubchak and assistant S. Abramov, who made the first hundreds of macropreparations. Equipment for the exhibition of museum preparations according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine came from the Odessa Medical Institute. A curious case is connected with this. Associate Professor M.Valchuk ordered graduate student B. Dubchak to prepare unsuitable for use dummies of the pathological processes that were at the department and send it to Ternopil by container. But it so happened that they, as the founders of the department again, had to disassemble it. Therefore, the department staff refused to demonstrate the pathological processes in the models and began to make macropreparations, mainly with the preservation of the natural color.

The Museum of Macro Preparations of the Department of Pathological Anatomy.

In addition to the formation of the macromuseum, in the same year 1957, the creation of an archive of micropreparations was started. Izai And each laboratory assistant had to master 1-2 techniques of elective dyeing of tissues annually. Particular success in the histological technique reached M. Panyuta and V. Izay. Great importance was attached to the illustrative material. Assistant B. Dubchak, who had an art education and headed the institute's art studio, as well as a student of the circle, a member of the art studio of the institute J. Bodnar, were involved in replenishing the tabular fund.

Workplace of a teacher with a video system for working with micropreparations and conducting remote video communication "communication with the pathoanatomical bureau of the region

The microscopic archive has become the basis of an atlas of histopathology prepared for publication, created in collaboration with the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University and the Institute of Clinical Pathology of the Lviv Daniil Galitsky National Medical University.

The Museum of the Department is constantly used for the formation of installations for a healthy lifestyle of school and student youth, the fight against bad habits, clearly reproducing the consequences and complications of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking and so on.